90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Feeding The Beast, The Beast Of Unstoppable Hunger...

Our Climate Would Be Solid Ice Without The Star Known As The Sun..

Women protesting the forced Hijab in Iran days after the 1979 revolution..

When Women Still Had A Voice In Iran Before They Were Silenced By Sharia Law And Western Left Leaning Media Hegemony..

More Awesome Photos HERE

And All She Wants To Do Is Dance, Dance...

They're pickin' up the prisoners
And puttin em in a pen
And all she wants to do is dance, dance
Rebels been rebels
Since I don't know when
And all she wants to do is dance
Molotov cocktail's the local drink
And all she wants to do is dance, dance

- Don Henley

Where There Is A Will...

..There is a way..

Hey Obama...

This is for destroying the economy, destroying jobs, destroying the American dream, making it legal to kill American citizens anywhere in the world without due process, making my child a slave of your debt, acting like a monarch, taking lavish vacations and having lavish parties while citizens struggle to make ends meet or find a job, disrespecting national monuments, turning this country into a socialist nation, allowing Americans to die in Benghazi, giving aid and comfort to our enemies, sending guns to drug cartels in order to accomplish un-constitutional ends, shredding the constitution, disrespecting it, no defending it, promoting class warfare, dividing our once great country into identity groups, targeting Americans based on their political affiliation, spying on Americans and denying them their 4th amendment rights, promoting voter fraud, the denying the right to a fair and free election, lowering the prospects of all Americans, and finally, shamelessly wanting to go farther and cause more destruction and pain on the American people. 

Morning Mistress

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