90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Sexy Girls with Guns

Pro-Second amendment means protecting the second amendment.

40 Personal Assistants?

Sounds like a cronie reward system on my tax dollar.


Admiral Richard Byrd’s “Little America III”

Admiral Richard Byrd’s “Little America III” station, built in Antarctic in 1940, was spotted by a Navy icebreaker sticking out of the side of this floating iceberg in the Antarctic’s Ross Sea, on March 13, 1963. The old outpost was buried beneath 25 feet of snow, 300 miles away from its original location. A helicopter pilot flew in close and reported cans and supplies still stacked neatly on shelves.

...and their work is not yet done....

Post Obamalyptic Amerika

What is Wrong with these People?

Obama Care