90 Miles From Tyranny : GOP Senate Debates Gun Control Instead of Real Measures to Fight Terrorism

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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

GOP Senate Debates Gun Control Instead of Real Measures to Fight Terrorism

In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Orlando—the largest in the United States since 9/11—lawmakers on Capitol Hill have yet to introduce one piece of legislation that would actually fight terrorism. Not one.

That President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats once again called for more gun control in the wake of the tragedy is no surprise. It’s completely predictable.Instead, the Republican-controlled Senate has not only allowed Democrats to define the debate and make this an issue about gun control, but they’ve joined the tour de farce.

That President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats once again called for more gun control in the wake of the tragedy is no surprise. It’s completely predictable.

But didn’t anyone expect a different strategy from Senate Republicans?

If you did, you were sadly disappointed as the GOP matched the Democrats amendment for amendment, suggesting...Read More HERE

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